By Super User on Wednesday, 29 June 2022
Category: Blog

What to Expect When You Opt for Mobile Euthanasia in Carefree

Saying goodbye to a treasured pet is hard. And it’s even more difficult for pet parents who are forced to help their beloved companions cross the Rainbow Bridge via humane euthanasia. Sadly, many pet parents face this situation when their dog or cat’s quality of life diminishes due to old age, terminal illness, or severe injury. 

We understand how hard it is to make this decision and are here to help. At Pet Home Euthanasia, we perform mobile euthanasia in Carefree and the surrounding areas. With our help, you can end your pet’s suffering and ensure their final moments are filled with love, peace, and comfort. 

What to Expect

Upon arrival at your home, Dr. Morrison will discuss your concerns with you and perform a physical exam. She will share her findings and provide her recommendation regarding whether euthanasia is appropriate. However, she won’t pressure you. Instead, she provides guidance to help you make a final decision with which you are comfortable. 

If you decide to continue with the process, your pet will receive a sedative. As it takes effect, your dog or cat will drift off into a deep, peaceful sleep. You will have as much time as you need to say your goodbyes, and, when you’re ready, Dr. Morrison will administer the euthanasia drug. This will painlessly stop your beloved companion’s heart in seconds. She will then let you know when they have passed. 

Mobile Euthanasia in Carefree

Having your pet put to sleep at home rather than in a vet’s office offers numerous benefits. While we can’t make the process any easier, we’re here to help you and your pet during this time. Please contact us today.